Roland Kuhl

Theology for Everyday Living

Lessons from Walking About – 1: Acknowledging One Another

Recently, I have started walking for extended periods of time to clear my head, for my health, to mediate as I walk about.  I am getting in the routine of...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – My Wrestling with the Manner of Pastoral Ministry (1.3)

In my first year of university studies in Applied Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, I experienced the grace of God and it changed my whole life.  Though I was...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – Is the Church the Problem? (1.2)

I am a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and its new 6th president, David Emmanuel Goatley, noted in a YouTube message ( introducing himself that, “this is a tough time...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry (1:1)

When I sensed a call to ministry back in December 1974, after wrestling with positively responding to this call, I was only aware of responding to this call through traditional...

September 4, 2015

A Working Credo – for Living Day by Day

As I reflect on what a theology is for everyday people who are living everyday lives, I believe that the kind of faith statements that shape our living need to...

June 25, 2015

Theology for Everyday Life

Theology is “God-talk.” But it is not just talk about God, it is also talking with God; its about inviting us into a conversation with God – and in so...

Heavy Burden

June 19, 2015

Come To Me All You Who Are Weary and Heavy Burdened – Jesus

Matthew writes about Jesus in his gospel talking about Jesus’ ministry among the people, how he was about doing God’s business in the world, in the neighborhood – and then...

God among us

April 20, 2015

God Among Us

If you have eyes to see, you can see God all over the place – touching people’s lives, in life situations, indeed all around us. It reminds me of Jesus...

April 19, 2015

Being Available in the Community: A New Way of Pastoring

I have pastored in traditional churches for a lot of years – 20 years in fact – and I never felt quite at ease in that context. At one point...


April 2, 2015


The problem that most people have with believing that Jesus Christ was resurrected is that it seems so contrary to what we experience in our day-to-day experience. But the fact...

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