Roland Kuhl

Theology for Everyday Living

Lessons from Walking About – 1: Acknowledging One Another

Recently, I have started walking for extended periods of time to clear my head, for my health, to mediate as I walk about.  I am getting in the routine of...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – My Wrestling with the Manner of Pastoral Ministry (1.3)

In my first year of university studies in Applied Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, I experienced the grace of God and it changed my whole life.  Though I was...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – Is the Church the Problem? (1.2)

I am a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and its new 6th president, David Emmanuel Goatley, noted in a YouTube message ( introducing himself that, “this is a tough time...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry (1:1)

When I sensed a call to ministry back in December 1974, after wrestling with positively responding to this call, I was only aware of responding to this call through traditional...

November 13, 2018

A Sojourner in La Crosse

Today has been a day hanging around the house. Got up early to do some grading in the online doctoral program for which I serve as an adjunct, interacting with...

November 12, 2018


Yesterday was Remembrance Day (the name Canadians give to Veteran’s Day). I remember when I was in grade school, my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Newby, was the director for the...

November 10, 2018

Did Not Post Yesterday

I did not post yesterday. I do find writing challenging because I would rather express thoughts and ideas in discussions with persons over a cup of coffee or a glass...

November 8, 2018

Time to Listen to the Dog

I work from home. I am an online faculty member of Grand Canyon University leading courses in the College of Doctoral Studies in the Ed.D. program on Organizational Leadership with...

November 7, 2018

Hitting My Stride in the Third Phase of Life and Ministry

I am sixty-three today. Received a ton of Facebook greetings, connected with some old friends and family from all over – Canada, Australia and the US. Turning sixty-three means that...

November 6, 2018

An Ending and a Beginning

Today is November 6, 2018.  It’s mid-term’s election day in the US and the Democrats are hoping to gain enough seats to control the house, but the Republicans are seeking...

January 7, 2016

Can We Leave Jesus Out of the Conversation?

As I read and listen to the controversy going on between Wheaton College and Professor Larycia Hawkins, who donned a hijab during Advent to show solidarity with Muslims because as...

December 8, 2015

Embodying the Gospel: What Kind of Seed is Planted in Our Lives?

If you have ever traveled country roads, or even along an interstate that runs through farm country, you will invariably see signs displaying what kind of seed is planted in...

October 26, 2015

Am I Done with Church?

In my new role as being a pastor at large in the community (cf. I come across a number of people who are done with church, but not done...

September 10, 2015

A Working Credo – All Lives Matter!

As I continue to reflect on what I believe, here is a second statement of my working credo: Every human being is created in God’s image – therefore, all lives...

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