Roland Kuhl

Theology for Everyday Living

Lessons from Walking About – 1: Acknowledging One Another

Recently, I have started walking for extended periods of time to clear my head, for my health, to mediate as I walk about.  I am getting in the routine of...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – My Wrestling with the Manner of Pastoral Ministry (1.3)

In my first year of university studies in Applied Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, I experienced the grace of God and it changed my whole life.  Though I was...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry – Is the Church the Problem? (1.2)

I am a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and its new 6th president, David Emmanuel Goatley, noted in a YouTube message ( introducing himself that, “this is a tough time...

Rethinking (Reframing) Pastoral Ministry (1:1)

When I sensed a call to ministry back in December 1974, after wrestling with positively responding to this call, I was only aware of responding to this call through traditional...

April 30, 2021

Allyship, Incarnation and Becoming Anti-Racist

I am intrigued by the term allyship, which I read in Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (Flatiron Books, 2020) by Emmanuel Acho. He draws on the site Racial Equity...

March 19, 2021

Jesus, Paul and the border debate – why cherry-picking Bible passages misses the immigrant experience in ancient Rome (republished article)

Rodolfo Galvan Estrada III, Fuller Theological Seminary Immigration reform is back on the agenda, with Congress taking up major legislation that could usher in a pathway to citizenship for millions...

February 12, 2021

Loving God . . . Outside of the Church

All my life I grew up and went to church, worshiped in church, and served in the church for over 40 years in pastoral roles.  Yet, I find now, in...

July 9, 2020

Searching for Our Humanity in the Doing of Theology

Often we think that when we engage in doing theology that we are engaging in an endeavor that requires us to take our eyes off of ourselves and gaze toward...

July 3, 2020

Not Bill Gates’ Summer Reading List – Reading Ray Anderson

When I was pastoring I often had the opportunity to take a few weeks in the summer for a reading sabbatical.  I would sit on the shore of Lake Superior...

June 29, 2020

Unlovable During Covid-19

I realize that I am becoming cynical in these times we are in. Amid Covid-19 and people refusing to wear masks because it hinders their freedom, Amid the response to...

December 3, 2018

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel? (Making Space for the Gospel – Part 2)

These postings are to be reflections on my life as I traverse through my 64th year, and so some may be wondering why there is so much theology in my...

November 29, 2018

Making Space for Life (Making Space for the Gospel)

Met at JavaVino again this past Sunday, hopefully what will become a regular habit of gathering at table for breakfast and conversation about making space for life in our lives,...

November 23, 2018

Post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving

For those of us living in the United States, we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday – many with family and friends, enjoying activities that we do when we gather as family, overloading...

November 18, 2018

Sacred Space: “Church?” for those Done with Church, but Not God

Looks like I may not be as regular as I hoped to be in reflecting on my 64th year – so its an occasional reflecting. That’s okay too. Since moving...

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